What Is The Best Diet To Increase Height?

diet to increase height  Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Diet to increase height

My heart goes out to the kids who don’t get to play outdoors as that is one must-do for the sake of increasing their height. As a mother, I had always been forcing my children to go out and play but recently I realized that my mom at the age of 85 is reduced in height to around 2 inches. Now that is scary for a 55-year-old woman who had been happy being 5ft 2.5 inches all her life (yes in our times that was a decent height for an Indian girl). Today I feel like talking about the best possible diet to increase height at any age. Let us know about the importance of diet to increase height for all age groups.

Height and body structure are based on our genetics. That means, it is not necessary that all of us as kids can grow as tall as we want to. We might be careful about our diet and activity levels but genes are a very important deciding factor as far as our height is concerned. Yet, it is essential to get the right kind of food to support physical growth and changes at all stages of life.

Many times on this blog, we have discussed the nutrition and diet of an average adult and kids. Today everyone is smart enough to handle electronic gadgets. I say this after seeing little babies as well as my octogenarian mom managing a smartphone easily.  Though they are smart yet nutrition is something that can keep them physically growing well at all stages.

What is a good diet to increase height at any stage of life?

Kids grow at their own pace, and their height growth rate can significantly increase especially during puberty. It is a known fact that after puberty, boys, as well as girls, gain around two inches in height every year. An adult’s height can depend on various factors, and nutrition along with genetics play a significant role in the same.

The lack of nutrition can hinder the child’s growth and prevent them from attaining the best possible average height for their age. Let us see what kind of nutrient-rich foods are important to help human beings attain and maintain the right height at all ages.

Nutritional diet to increase height and maintain it

vitamin A and vitamin D

Vitamin D is very essential for maintaining all-around health in any individual. From bones, skin, hair, and consolidated growth we need vitamin A and D. While Vitamin D2 can be had through food as it is made by plants but vitamin D3 is made by the human body when the skin is exposed to sun rays. Since both vitamin D2 and D3 help to absorb calcium and phosphorus from our diet good dietary sources of vitamin D need to be included like egg yolks, fish, milk, and butter in our daily diet.

Vitamin A is essential both for a child’s eyesight as well as for an adult as it improves bone metabolism. Carrots, potatoes, and spinach are considered good sources of vitamin A.

Calcium in diet

Calcium is essential for every living being. It plays an important role in the overall development of muscles, bones, and even the nervous system. commonly, dairy is a great source of calcium but one can also get calcium from almonds, and veggies like broccoli, beans, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, along with eggs and fish (sardines).

Protein in a diet

Protein is very essential for the hair, muscles, skin, and the growth of other organs of the body. The human body cannot produce protein on its own; they need to be dependent upon food for it. A growth-centered diet has to be a nice combination of good proteins. A protein diet should have lean meat, chicken for nonvegetarians and pulses, soya beans, methi, and many other veggies and fruits to meet the desired requirements of other vitamins and minerals.

Fiber in diet

Fiber is an important part of the diet for bowel health. It helps kids not suffer from constipation. Insufficient fiber intake also leads to poor weight gain in children. It is essential to add foods rich in fiber like fruits like apples, watermelon with veggies, and nuts to children’s diet.

Minerals in diet

Most essential for the proper development of the child’s brain, bones are minerals. The essential minerals for children’s all-around growth are calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, and selenium. All these essential minerals can only be obtained by eating a balanced diet.

We need to ensure that the child gets all the necessary nutrients on a daily basis. Junk food has to be kept minimal. Childhood obesity is on the rise in India all thanks to junk food.


By: Kanan
Title: What Is The Best Diet To Increase Height?
Sourced From: www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/diet-to-increase-height/
Published Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2021 03:30:07 +0000

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