Ten Diet Hacks for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

chronic fatigue syndrome diet

10 Diet Hacks to Combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Are you experiencing chronic fatigue that your health doesn’t improve with rest? If that’s the concern, you might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It is a complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that may last for a minimum of six months. Apart from persistent fatigue, pain, sleep abnormalities, sore throat, night sweats, tender lymph nodes in the armpits and neck, muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, digestive issues, and shortness of breath are the common chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. CFS is also called Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Although the cause of the condition is not yet clear, genetic and environmental factors are believed to play a role. Every year, 12th May is observed as International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day to raise awareness about this severe condition and improve understanding and support for those battling it. The complex medical condition affects physical and psychological activity, thereby impacting the quality of life negatively. This year, this International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day will be observed on 12th May 2023. The World ME Alliance have declared the theme of this global health awareness day this year as – ME: The disease where pushing harder can make you sicker. It emphasizes post-exertional malaise, which is known to be a symptom that ME sufferers experiences. Even though there is no cure for this condition, appropriate treatment and dietary and lifestyle measures can help CFS patients obtain relief. So, you might be wondering which dietary measures can help manage the condition, aren’t you? Check out the list of diet tips to help ease the people battling chronic fatigue syndrome.

10 Diet Hacks to Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Eating certain foods can help soothe CFS symptoms and boost your energy while avoiding certain foods can help prevent the worsening of the symptoms. Here are some dietary measures that when followed along with a healthy, balanced diet can help manage CFS discomforts.

  1. Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation largely contributes to chronic fatigue. So, prefer to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid eating foods that cause inflammation such as processed meat, sugar, and fried foods. Include anti-inflammatory foods, such as carrots, apples, olive oil, and fish.

  1. Identify Food Triggers and Avoid Them

There is no standard diet for this chronic condition. Consuming some foods may aggravate your CFS symptoms; while eating some foods may soothe your discomforts. Maintain a food journal and identify which foods worsen your symptoms and which foods ease you. For instance, if the intake of foods rich in gluten or carbohydrates is affecting your health negatively, you may limit or avoid their intake. The guidance of certified dieticians can help you have a customised chronic fatigue syndrome diet comprising healthy foods that would improve your relief and energy. Also, they will help you eliminate foods that worsen your symptoms. Stick to healthy dietary habits to improve your health and relief.

  1. Don’t Cut Out All Completely

Before eliminating foods from your diet, have a word with your doctor and dietician to prevent cutting out important nutrients from your diet. A highly restrictive diet may deprive you of some crucial nutrients. So, consult your doctor and nutritionist regarding how much quantity of certain foods is right for you when you think that those foods may aggravate your symptoms and attempt to cut them out from your diet.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can worsen your fatigue. When you are battling CFS, it becomes crucial to keep your body hydrated. Consuming plenty of water can help you stay hydrated which helps improve or maintain health. So, drink a minimum of eight to ten glasses of water daily.

  1. Limit Your Intake of Caffeine

Although caffeine appears to boost your energy, some undesirable consequences accompany excessive intake of caffeine. You may experience a false sense of energy and may overdo it. When dealing with CFS, you need to limit your coffee consumption. Be careful to avoid overexerting yourself. Make sure that the intake of coffee does not affect your sleep.

  1. Savour Nutritious Vegetables

When following chronic fatigue syndrome treatments, enrich your diet with plenty of non-starchy vegetables. Include multi-coloured vegetables in your diet plan throughout the day. This will help you gain unique nutrients and their health benefits. Fresh vegetables of varied colours are packed with phytonutrients that act as antioxidants that help minimize inflammation. Consuming yellow vegetables can help you receive crucial minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

  1. Keep Your Sugar Intake in Check

Sugar can boost your energy for the time being, however, the crash that occurs later can make you feel extra tired. So, instead of relishing refined sugar, opt for naturally sweet foods with protein content. This will help balance your sugar and energy levels. You may incorporate various berries with unsweetened, plain yoghurt in your CFS diet.

  1. Have Small but More Frequent Meals

Several chronic fatigue syndrome patients feel too tired to eat and even experience a lack of appetite. In such circumstances, you can have smaller meals more often throughout the day. You may also add some small healthy snacks between each meal. Eating more often in small quantities can help boost your energy.

  1. Keep Heavily Processed Foods Off

Heavily processed foods have fewer nutrients than whole foods. So, prefer to eat whole foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. This will help support your body’s nutritional needs. Also, make healthier food choices. For instance, have brown rice instead of white rice or pasta.

  1. Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Healthy fats are crucial for the good health of your brain and heart. Also, they help minimize inflammation. So, include plenty of nuts, seeds, and omega-3 fatty acids food sources in your diet. You may savour a few slices of avocadoes throughout the day. You may also munch on almonds or sprinkle the powdered walnuts on your smoothies. Flaxseeds and chia seeds also supply you with omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish, such as trout, can also deliver a healthy dose of omega-3s to you when you are battling chronic fatigue syndrome.

By considering all these helpful dietary tips, you may create a meal plan for the entire day ahead of time. During the days when you feel more energetic, plan what you can eat for the rest week and cook foods accordingly. This will help you have meals ready to savour without having to worry about what you should eat on a given day. The guidance of certified dieticians can help you with healthier options without exhausting yourself when dealing with CFS.

Now that you know how diet can help CFS patients along with chronic fatigue syndrome treatments, plan your diet accordingly. Let’s spread the word about the role of diet in soothing CFS symptoms and improving health this World International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day. Consulting certified nutritionists, such as health experts at Health Total, can help you have a personalized diet to manage the condition. Our diet plan not only helps mitigate your discomforts but also boosts your immunity, manages your weight, and prevents or lowers potential health complications. So, waste no time, reach out to us at Health Total and improve your health with our customised chronic fatigue syndrome diet.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for improving your health and relief when battling chronic fatigue syndrome with diet or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

The post 10 Diet Hacks to Combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome appeared first on Health Total.


By: techy admin
Title: 10 Diet Hacks to Combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Sourced From: www.health-total.com/weight-loss-articles/10-diet-hacks-to-combat-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/
Published Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 05:45:44 +0000

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