How to Prevent Abdominal Obesity

How To Prevent Abdominal Obesity

Hey, How is your life? Mine is super hectic, I need another day off to relax.

I am happy to see a lot of new readers on IWB. Most of the questions that have been asked, deal with Abdominal obesity or Paunch or Muffin Top, or Belly Fat. I had been thinking about how to Prevent Abdominal Obesity as this is a major trouble area for almost all the women.

Indian women generally are fuller in figure. The fat deposition is all over on areas like abdomen/ stomach/ arms/ thighs and butt. Now this post is about the causes of abdominal obesity or how to prevent abdominal obesity.

how to Prevent Abdominal Obesity.
I have seen that a person who has abdominal obesity may not be obese in general. I have been chubby since childhood yet never obese. But I am suffering from abdominal obesity. I have major fat deposition on abdomen and upper arms. I am not top heavy, nor do I have huge thighs or butt.

Yes, this surely makes me sad and lowers my confidence as I am forced to pick up clothes that flow lose from my belly. I juggle between sizes M that fits me properly otherwise but tight on belly and L that is double my body frame ! I shudder while trying dresses in trial rooms

Belly fat not only can make you low on confidence, but it makes you more vulnerable to diseases also. Let’s find out more about Abdominal obesity.,

What is Abdominal Obesity?

– Excessive fat around the stomach area. For women, area below the breast till lower belly is considered as abdomen. Abdominal obesity can happen to anyone irrespective of age and gender. I am sure you must have witnessed children and teenagers suffering from abdominal obesity. One of the cause of abdominal obesity in such a young age could be inheritance from their parents.

Causes Of Abdominal Obesity

There is no hard and fast reason why some people have abdominal obesity. But genes have a great role to play here. Decreased Insulin sensitivity, hereditary or hormonal issues, late night binging, excess junk food intake, excess stress, gastric issues, slow metabolism are some of the reasons of Abdominal obesity.

How To Prevent Abdominal Obesity

I and Mr. Fit both agree that more than exercise, proper diet is a must if you want to stay away or get rid of abdominal obesity.  it takes a lot of effort, consistency is the only key !

Abdominal obesity is a clear sign of high insulin level or stress hormone. There is no other way to succeed but to mend your eating habits. Prevention is the best way, but that does not mean Abdominal obesity can’t be cured. Despite thyroid, anemia and high testosterone, I have managed to kick off 2 inches in last 2 months.

There is nothing new that I am going to reveal to get rid of abdominal obesity. But thing is we know it all, but we don’t follow it all !

  • First things first, sleep for 7-8 hours. You cannot deny the importance of good sleep, read here.
  • Drink water as if there is no tomorrow. I know this is my usual dialogue, i am thinking of patenting it
    . Water flushes out all useless things from your body.
  • No late night binging (read maggi, pasta, namkeen, farsaan, candies, chocolate… yeah all the stuff that you can cook in no time or hide under your mattress ). Some of the healthy snacks you can have when you are hungry at midnight are here.
  • Watch out portion size. Eat in small plates and chew your food properly. Eat slow and enjoy your meal.
  • Throw away sugary foods, junk and soft drinks.
  • Don’t use artificial sweeteners. All of them are chemicals!
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat small meals, and keep grazing. Our ancestors were never fat since they did not have the concept of 3 meals a day. Eat after every 3-4 hours.
  • Workout for 30-45 minutes of 5-6 times a week. Mr. Fit will mostly come out with a new workout plan for abdominal obesity soon.
  • Don’t ditch fat ! We don’t become fat by eating fat. Have fat in moderation !
  • Keep your stress in check. Rejuvenate yourself often.
  • Monitor your weight and cholesterol as well.
  • Last, but one of the most important thing – pep up your metabolism. Read it about here and here. Add supplements to your diet which can help you burn more fat like antioxidants, fat burners, vitamin supplements etc. I will give you a glimpse of all the supplements I am using very soon and review them one by one.

Do you have any more tricks that have worked for you in preventing abdominal obesity?


By: Tarun Preet
Title: How To Prevent Abdominal Obesity
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 03:30:56 +0000

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