How keto diet plan helps in losing weight

You must have heard about various diets to achieve effective weight loss results. The most popular suggestions provided are Atkins, Paleo, Vegan, etc, and incidentally, all these are about following the keto meal plan.

How keto diet plan helps in losing weight

For all those who are always looking for new diets and plans to achieve their targeted weight here, we tell you all about the keto diet plan and ways how it can help in losing weight. You must have found various types of diets to be followed to achieve effective weight loss results. The most popular suggestions provided are Atkins, Paleo, Vegan, etc, and incidentally, all these are about following the keto meal plan.

Many new names for one single way of eating are really confusing but all of them work in a similar way. Although the ketogenic diet is the basis of all the above-mentioned diets yet they may not give results to everybody equally. It is because of this reason there are various studies still being conducted on the effectiveness of the low carb diets.

Ways keto diet plan helps to lose weight

Talking about the ketogenic or low carb diet plans for weight loss let us see in what ways keto diet plans can help in losing weight. It is a common belief that fats are not healthy for our body and do not help in losing weight. Some time back there was a study that was published in The New York Times about the role of butter as being a positive and healthy part of the weight loss journey. Common belief says that butter is not a good consideration for the heart also not even for those on a weight loss journey. It was interestingly considered that the low carb lifestyle works effectively by encouraging healthy fats intake but in a well measured and controlled amount. This conclusion certainly contradicts the effectiveness of low-fat diets. The inclusion of healthy fats like butter, olive oil, avocado, etc. helps in achieving weight loss.

The low carb diet, also known as the keto diet plan focuses on making use of various other sources of food in order to get energy. In these diets, it is believed that carbs that work as an instant source of energy and are largely responsible for increased levels of glucose in our body. This can trigger high insulin levels making weight loss a very tough task.

keto diet plan
The low carb diet, also known as the keto diet plan focuses on making use of various other sources of food in order to get energy.

The simple basic goal of the ketogenic diet is to enable the dieter to enter the state of ketosis. This is made possible through fat metabolism. When the dieter reaches the ketogenic state, his or her body uses fat primarily to get energy in place of carbohydrates. When the level of carbohydrates gets low, fats can easily be converted into ketones which helps in fueling the body.

As per an interesting survey that was supported by the National Institutes of Health, and in its report that was published in Annals of Internal Medicine, it observed that a group of 148 obese subjects in the age group of 22-75, who were made to follow a low carb diet, lost better weight than the other group that followed a low-fat diet plan. This surely was an unexpected outcome of the study.

It is a common experience that the low-fat diet helps people to lose 4 pounds weight on an average but those who followed a keto diet or the low carb diet considerably lose their excess weight much more than that. The keto meal plan can help the followers with losing nothing less than a whopping 12 pounds in one go.

If you too wish to go for a customized keto diet plan, you can contact us here…

Finally, I can say with my personal experience that the keto diet can help to lose weight faster than any other way of dieting. You can read my personal weight loss journey experience here…

As a testimony to this keto diet, I vouch for its authority in claiming that actually, all fats are not harmful to the body. Fats actually aid in reducing risks of cardiac issues and cause considerable weight loss in lesser time. I personally got rid of my hypertension issues and medication following a ketogenic meal plan but the fact also remains that the keto diet is a very restrictive diet and as Indians, it cannot be our lifestyle diet. Why! I will talk about it later…


By: Kanan
Title: How keto diet plan helps in losing weight
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 31 May 2021 03:30:26 +0000

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