How can you overcome obesity with a diet plan for weight loss?

How can you overcome obesity with a diet plan for weight loss?

How Can You Overcome Obesity With Diet Plan for Weight Loss?

Have you gained excess undesirable weight? Is obesity hampering not just your appearance but also your health and quality of life? Are you looking for natural ways to get in shape and enjoy sustainable weight loss? If you answered positively, diet is the key. When a lot of fat accumulates in your body, you suffer from obesity, which impacts your health negatively. Overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, genetics, excess intake of junk and unhealthy food, poor sleeping habits, and certain psychological factors contribute to obesity. Chronic obesity can lead to various health hazards, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and stroke. Fortunately, improving your diet and eating habits can help you combat obesity. Consulting certified dieticians and following their designed customized obesity diet plan can do wonders for your weight management and health improvement efforts. So, you might be wondering how to overcome obesity with a diet plan, aren’t you? Continue reading to find a nutritious Indian diet plan for weight loss.

12 Easy Yet Effective Dietary Measures for Beating Obesity:

Here’s a list of simple yet effective dietary tips to beat obesity by following the Indian diet for obesity.

  1. Eat Five a Day:

    Plan to have a minimum of five to seven servings of whole fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Vegetables and fruits are nutritious and low in calories. Adding them to your regular diet not only helps you overcome obesity but also improves your health. Being abundant in nutrients, they help boost your immunity and reduce the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. The high fibre content in these healthy foods helps you feel full even after eating a few calories and prevents undesirable weight gain. So, focus on adding at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables to your obesity diet plan.

  2. Skip Saturated Fats:

    To combat obesity, stay away from foods containing saturated fats. Eating foods high in saturated fats is a major contributing factor to the development and worsening of obesity. Instead of saturated fats, prefer healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Seeking the guidance of certified nutritionists can help you choose the right foods containing healthy fats in the right quantities. Opt for olive oil, tree nuts, and avocadoes to overcome obesity with a diet plan.

  3. Follow a Plant-Based Diet:

    Choosing plant-based foods in your diet is anytime better than having animal-based foods. Plant-based foods are not only beneficial for health in general but also effective in reducing the risk of obesity and achieving sustainable weight loss. So, when following an Indian diet plan for weight loss, make sure that your plate contains plenty of whole fruits and vegetables for every meal. You can have a handful of unsalted nuts for snacks. Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and cashews can also offer your heart health benefits. Avoid protein food sources that are loaded with saturated fats, such as red meat.

  4. Say No to Processed Foods:

    Restricting or eliminating the intake of highly processed foods is one of the most effective ways of combating obesity. Processed foods are not only sources of empty calories but also contain harmful chemical ingredients. So, if you are relishing pizza every night for dinner or munching on donuts daily, you need to limit or eliminate your intake of fast foods and switch to healthy meal options. Certified nutritionists can help you cut down on processed foods, manage your cravings for fast foods, and add healthy foods to your Indian diet for obesity.

  5. Reduce Sugar Consumption:

    When making efforts to overcome obesity with a diet plan, ensure that your intake of sugar is low and optimum enough to meet your energy requirements. Avoid drinking sugary beverages, such as sports or energy drinks and sodas. Also, fruit juices and drinks can be high in sugar, so prefer eating whole fruits instead of having canned fruit juices. If you often relish cookies, desserts, pies, candies, and cakes, limit or avoid their intake and replace them with healthier food options. Also, opt for unsweetened coffee and tea. While you cut back on sugary drinks, increase your intake of plain water, as it keeps you hydrated and aids in weight loss benefits.

  6. Base Your Regular Meals Around Proteins:

    The intake of proteins helps burn a large number of calories during digestion than dietary fats and carbohydrates would. This aids in weight loss efforts. So, when you are trying to get in shape, ensure that your meals have good quantities of proteins. This helps burn calories in your body and beat obesity.

  7. Eat Slowly:

    Eating food slowly is another easy yet effective way to reduce weight. Often, due to our hectic schedules, we are unresponsive to our body’s needs, eat meals in haste, and end up overeating food. Chewing properly and eating slowly promotes mindful eating and we consume fewer calories which help in reducing obesity naturally.

  8. Spice Up Your Meals:

    When following an Indian diet plan for weight loss, prepare your meals by adding spices to them. Herbs and spices, such as ginger, chilly pepper, and others, not just enhance the flavour of your food preparations but also promote weight loss effectively. Eating spicy food happens to raise your body temperature which stimulates fat burning in your body.

  9. Prefer Eating Healthy, Homemade Food:

    Fast food and junk food are full of harmful fats and plenty of calories. So, choose to eat homemade food daily for your meals. You can prepare low-calorie meals rich in nutrients. These homemade foods nourish your body while you lose weight. You consume quality food when you go for homemade meals and manage your calorie intake effectively. So, refrain from eating junk and fast food and savour homemade delicacies while following the Indian diet for obesity.

  10. Follow the 80/20 Rule:

    Often, to achieve rapid weight loss, people curb eating their favourite foods. When you stop eating your favourite delicacies all of a sudden, it may impact you negatively. You may end up binge eating once you get a chance to eat your choice of food, and this causes undesirable weight gain. So, instead of eliminating your favourite foods, follow the 80/20 rule. According to this, you eat natural, unprocessed, and nutritious foods 80% of the time and your choice of processed foods just 20% of the time. This helps you enjoy sustainable weight loss benefits.

  11. Have Natural Snacks:

    Instead of snacking on crisps, chocolates, cakes, and other calorie-abundant processed options, you go for natural snacks. Include nuts and fresh fruits as snacks in your Indian diet plan for weight loss. Nuts and fruits are rich in fibre which makes you feel full for longer. Also, they are nutritious foods that nourish your body with essential nutrients while you shed kilos.

  12. Limit or Curb Your Alcohol Intake:

    Alcohol is not only addictive but also impacts your weight loss efforts negatively. It contains plenty of empty calories that prevent you from losing weight. The consumption of alcohol makes you gain weight and turn obese in four ways; it prevents your body from burning fat, it increases calories in your body, it increases your appetite, and you may end up making poor food choices. So, restrict or eliminate alcohol consumption when following an obesity diet plan.

Sample Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Here’s a sample meal plan to overcome obesity with a diet plan smoothly and naturally

Early Morning (at 7 am): Aloe vera juice 20 ml

Breakfast (at 8 am): 2 Besan (gram flour) cheela + ½ cup of low-fat curd

Mid-Morning (at 11 am): 1 fresh apple

Lunch (at 1 pm): 1 chapati + 1 bowl of moong daal curry + 1 plate salad

Evening (at 5 pm): 1 cup fruit salad/tomato soup

Dinner (at 8 pm): 1 chapati + 1 bowl of carrot peas vegetable + 1 plate salad

So, if you are struggling to get in shape and looking out for natural ways for the same, an obesity diet plan can help incredibly. Certified dieticians and health experts at Health Total can provide you with a customized Indian diet plan for weight loss that helps you enjoy the best sustainable weight loss benefits while improving your health. Our diet plan not just helps you lose weight but also nourishes your body with all crucial nutrients, improves your immunity, and meets your health needs. So, think no further, reach out to us at Health Total, and embark on your weight loss journey with our personalized obesity diet plan.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips on overcoming obesity with a diet plan or for managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

The post How Can You Overcome Obesity With Diet Plan for Weight Loss? appeared first on Health Total.


By: techy admin
Title: How Can You Overcome Obesity With Diet Plan for Weight Loss?
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Published Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 10:16:10 +0000

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