How can these affect your energy levels?

Do you think free diet plans, lifestyle, and weight can affect your energy levels? Let us find out

Free Diet Plans, Lifestyle And Weight; Do These Affect Your Energy Levels!
Let us talk about how a bad diet and lack of nutrition can affect our energy levels. If you get tired in a jiffy, here is what you need to understand about the reasons as well as the changes you need to make in order to improve your health and wellbeing. Photo by Abbie Bernet on Unsplash

For the last forty years, I had been trying to lose weight with the help of different types of diets. In all my efforts only once have I achieved success but that was also temporary. Interestingly one conclusion I have drawn from all my efforts is that weight, lifestyle, and all kinds of free diet plans have affected one thing collectively, my energy levels.

I gain weight, my energy goes down, I lose weight with the help of free diet plans available on the internet, again my energy levels take a bad dip. One way or other, I have realized that we must focus on keeping our energy levels up instead of losing or gaining weight. A bad lifestyle is the worst thing for our ability to achieve any kind of life goal. We need to rethink our lifestyle to stay active without getting tired.

Let us talk about how a bad diet and lack of nutrition can affect our energy levels. If you get tired in a jiffy, here is what you need to understand about the reasons as well as the changes you need to make in order to improve your health and wellbeing.

Why are you getting tired?

Your getting tired at the end of a hard day is acceptable but if you think that you are lacking in good energy levels early in the day then you need to reconsider your diet. Most of us keep googling for a free diet plan for every kind of health problem or weight issue and that results in losing energy levels because a standard diet plan on the internet can never beat a customized diet. You can contact us for a customized diet plan that can take care of your energy levels here…

A poor lifestyle can lead to weight gain or loss along with fatigue and stress. This can lead to a well-known vicious circle, that begins with bad eating habits and ends up with massive weight gain and loss of energy. Work pressures, deadlines make most of us compromise with our healthy meals. To keep stress at bay we consume caffeine, skip meals, and party hard on weekends like zombies. Who is even thinking about making lifestyle changes to get better energy to enjoy moments of life! If this is your story, then you need to check the pointers mentioned below.

  • Iron deficiency

Tiredness and fatigue can highly be a symptom of an iron deficiency in your body. Being an essential mineral that helps to deliver oxygen to our tissues, its deficiency can cause anemia. If you are not feeling energetic enough to go through a routine day, the cause might be that you are having low iron levels. This is one deficiency is commonly found among women.

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency

A very common cause of low energy levels is found to be, lack of vitamin B12.  This one is commonly found among vegetarians and vegans. This deficiency can lead to severe autoimmune responses and inflammatory bowel diseases.

Sadly whenever we feel low in energy levels we tend to go for over-the-shelf multivitamins. While I was following a free diet plan for weight loss which I got from the internet, I used to feel low energy levels and then presume that a multivitamin tablet a day will help me out. Now I realize how wrong I was as all I needed was a good healthy nutritious diet meal plan with controlled portions to feel healthy.

I understood the hard way that minerals and vitamins do not provide energy. It will come with nutritious food. At times the consumption of a specific nutrient on your own will do more harm than presumed good to you as incorrect dosage can easily lead to toxicity and serious health consequences.

Food to keep energy levels

Research has proved that no special diet is needed to keep your energy levels high. All you need to do is reconsider what you are consuming on a regular basis that needs to be changed. It can be your caffeine consumption or junk food and sugar-laden packaged meals. Following basic dietary principles is the only way to get better. You can think of increasing daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, choosing whole grains and pulses in place of refined and polished ones can see you through.

Tips to keep your energy levels up

  • Include animal or plant sources of iron to keep your gut healthy.
  • Add Vitamin C to help the body absorb iron from plant sources in one meal. Plant sources of iron are pulses, lentils, beans, chickpeas, nuts, seeds, tofu, and above all leafy greens.
  • Please do not cut out carbs totally from the daily diet. My experience while on the Atkins diet says so. Сomplex carbohydrates need to be an important part of your healthy diet as those have more nutrients than simple carbs. Complex carbs take more time to digest and prevent blood sugar spikes. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, berries, and beans are the best sources of fiber essential for gut health.
  • The most difficult part for me while following any customized as well as free diet plan is to say no to the consumption of sweets. I have a major sweet craving but I am making a conscious effort to cut sweets from my diet that leads to absorption of glucose leaving my body in a state of low energy and tiredness.
  • Add fiber to your diet to make it nutritious. Use brown rice in place of white, fruits low in sugars but high in fiber, green vegetables as salads in place of junk.

Remember a simple home-cooked diet is the only way to keep your energy levels up. A free diet plan available on the internet can be good but you better use your discretion before going for one. Your body is special with your specific special requirements. In case you need a diet plan, go for a personalized one that includes all home-cooked meals.


By: Kanan
Title: Free Diet Plans, Lifestyle And Weight; Do These Affect Your Energy Levels!
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Published Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 07:18:17 +0000

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