Eat these healthy foods to ease your Lupus symptoms

lupus diet

Ease Your Lupus Symptoms with These Healthy Foods

Lupus is an autoimmune, inflammatory condition that affects various body parts, such as the lungs, skin, joints, brain, heart, blood cells, and kidneys. Although the exact lupus causes are not known, the condition results when the immune system attacks the healthy body tissues mistakenly. Joint pain, fatigue, fever, chronic pain, weak bones, swollen joints, unusual sensitivity to the sun, and “butterfly” rashes are some common lupus symptoms. The symptoms may worsen periodically and then subside. Although the condition has no cure, appropriate treatments can regulate the symptoms, minimize flare-ups, and improve the quality of life of lupus sufferers. For this purpose, World Lupus Federation celebrates World Lupus Day on 10th May every year to raise awareness about the health condition and its impact on millions of individuals throughout the world. This year, World Lupus Day will be celebrated on 10th May 2023. The theme of this global health awareness day is “Make Lupus Visible” emphasizing the spread of public awareness about the diagnosis of lupus and its social, economic, and psychological consequences worldwide. It focuses to make lupus management one of the global health priorities. Fortunately, lifestyle and dietary modifications can help improve the relief from symptoms of lupus in women. When the lupus diet is followed along with the crucial medications, it can help improve health and quality of life. So, you might be wondering what the lupus treatment diet comprises, aren’t you? Discover all about it by reading the blog below.

Diet for Lupus Management

Lifestyle modifications, such as a lupus diet and sun protection, can help soothe lupus symptoms along with the necessary medications. In the case of chronic inflammation, diet can make a difference. Lupus patients can go for a well-balanced diet comprising plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins, and low-fat dairy. Including anti-inflammatory foods in your lupus treatment diet can prove beneficial in easing the condition. Here are some best foods that a lupus diet should include.

5 Best Foods to Eat When Battling Lupus

  1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Polyphenols and antioxidant content in multi-hued fruits and vegetables can counter inflammation in your body. Lupus sufferers are prone to recurring infections. The powerful antioxidant content in fruits and vegetables strengthens your immune system and helps combat harmful bacteria that otherwise would destroy your healthy cells. So, include blueberries, spinach, strawberries, oranges, collard greens, cherries, pineapples, and other nutritious fruits and veggies offering natural plant compounds in your lupus treatment diet. Eat a minimum of five servings of these fresh, multi-coloured vegetables and fruits daily.

  1. Fish

The high omega-3 fatty acids content in fatty fish makes it a healthy food for lupus patients. Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA in sardines, trout, mackerel, and salmon can minimize inflammation in several lupus patients. So, savouring fatty fish twice a week can help you receive plenty of anti-inflammatory benefits that can help soothe lupus symptoms. Make sure that you avoid eating red meat.

  1. Seeds, Nuts, and Canola Oil

If you are a vegetarian, eating plant-based foods abundant in omega-3 fatty acids can serve the purpose of receiving anti-inflammatory benefits. The vegetarian form of omega-3 fatty acid is known as ALA. Although your body may convert ALA to DHA and EPA at a slower rate, you get some benefits from these healthy foods if you do not eat fish. So, enrich your lupus diet with almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and canola oil. The guidance of certified nutritionists can prove beneficial. Also, algae-based omega-3 supplements can help you receive anti-inflammatory benefits when battling lupus.

  1. Whole Grains

Whole grains are made up of three parts, namely endosperm, bran, and germ. Refined flour and carbohydrates lack these nutritious parts of whole grains. A high intake of refined grain foods increases inflammatory markers in your body. So, when battling lupus, it is advisable to eat whole grains that retain all their parts and nutrients. Prefer to relish foods such as whole grain bread, brown rice, and quinoa that are rich in antioxidants and fibre.

  1. Low-Fat or Fat-Free Dairy

Weak bones and an increased risk of factors are some of the common symptoms of lupus in women and men who are on steroidal treatment. Low-fat or fat-free dairy can help battle these side effects of medicines. The calcium and vitamin D content in fat-free or low-fat dairy can strengthen your bones. So, instead of consuming whole milk, prefer to have skimmed milk. Instead of full-fat cheese and yoghurt, prefer to eat low-fat dairy products. If you are sensitive to dairy, you may go for calcium-abundant alternatives. So, you can have almond milk, beans, soy milk, calcium-fortified orange juice, and dark green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, and spinach.

4 Foods to Avoid for Managing Lupus

The intake of certain foods can trigger lupus flares, such as muscle pain, joint stiffness, chest pain, fatigue, and abnormal test outcomes. So, it becomes necessary to eliminate foods that trigger lupus symptoms from your diet. Consulting certified dieticians can help identify and eliminate food triggers of lupus symptoms. Here is a list of some common lupus foods to avoid.

  1. Garlic

Although garlic is a healthy herb used in usual cooking preparations, the compounds in this herb can rev up the immune system and cause undesirable responses in lupus sufferers, who already have an overactive immune system. So, experts recommend avoiding this flavourful herb when battling lupus.

  1. Alfalfa Sprouts

Research in animals reveals that alfalfa sprouts can cause lupus flares. The exacerbation of lupus symptoms occurs due to the L-canavanine content in alfalfa sprouts that stimulates the immune system of lupus patients. So, doctors suggest avoiding adding alfalfa sprouts to sandwiches and salad bars to prevent lupus flares.

  1. Nightshade Vegetables

The consumption of nightshade vegetables may trigger lupus symptoms in some individuals, while it may not affect other lupus patients. So, if you are one of those who experience the aggravation of lupus symptoms on eating nightshade vegetables, refrain from eating tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and other nightshade vegetables. Consulting certified nutritionists can help you have healthy nutritious substitutes for these vegetables.

  1. Other Foods to Avoid

Besides these, you should also avoid foods that can trigger inflammation. So, trans fats, saturated fats, artificial sweeteners, and excess quantities of salt and sugar are among the lupus foods to avoid in the diet.

Now that you know which foods to eat and which foods to avoid to ease lupus symptoms, plan your diet accordingly. Let’s spread the word about the lupus diet to follow this World Lupus Day to help a maximum number of lupus sufferers benefit from it. The guidance of certified nutritionists and dieticians, such as health experts at Health Total, can help you have a customized lupus treatment diet. Our diet plan not only eases your lupus discomforts but also eliminates your nutritional deficiencies, manages weight, boosts immunity, and lowers or prevents potential health risks. So, hurry up, reach out to us at Health Total and obtain relief from your discomforts and experience improved health with our personalized lupus diet.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for soothing lupus symptoms with diet or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

The post Ease Your Lupus Symptoms with These Healthy Diet Foods appeared first on Health Total.


By: techy admin
Title: Ease Your Lupus Symptoms with These Healthy Diet Foods
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Published Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 05:26:17 +0000

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