A guide to losing weight (Weight Loss Guide For Beginners)

A guide to losing weight (Weight Loss Guide For Beginners)

A Guide on Losing Weight (Weight Loss Guide for Beginners)

Maintaining good health has become the need of time. We all have understood it, considering the situations going around. By making some lifestyle changes, one can ensure a healthful life. Weight loss here is one such part of it. You may be looking to lose weight for personal reasons or improving your health. Whatever the reason is, remember the weight loss plan you choose is the one that will help you keep the weight off for long.

If you are a beginner and are a novice about its know-how, know that finding the best plan from the swamp of the options is a task on its own. To ease the process for you, here’s a step-by-step guide that will answer all the queries on how to reduce weight & help kick start the journey towards it.

Set Realistic Weight Loss Expectations:
At the basic level, to lose weight, you need to have some realistic expectations. It’s easy to get swayed by others’ achievements and set unrealistic weight-loss expectations for oneself. The weight loss journey is extremely personal and differs from person to person. Some might reach the results in a few months, while others can take months or even years. Your weight loss progress depends on many factors as each body is different from others. Any quick weight loss diet plan and effort-free way of shedding weight in a short period is a big no. You need to set practical weight loss goals that you can achieve through embracing a healthy lifestyle for long-term weight loss and maintenance.

Keep a check on calorie intake:
There is a phrase saying, You cannot outrun a bad diet through exercise. While you can lose weight with exercise, there is no surety you will achieve it, let alone doing it successfully, unless you make some dietary changes. If your calorie consumption exceeds the amount you can burn, you will gain weight rather than losing despite exercising. You must know the calories you need to see the results you are looking for. You can seek the assistance of your nutritionist or doctor to help you out with the assessment.

Have a nutrition-packed diet:
While calorie intake needs its attention, it is also essential to keep an eye on what you eat as a part of your weight loss program. Try to limit your consumption of sugary and refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta & more as they don’t satiate your hunger for long, in turn, trigger your insulin levels. Whole grains, on the other hand, keep you fuller for longer and add nutritional benefits. Focus on eating lean proteins, vegetables, healthy carbs, and fruits.

Skip the alcohol, aerated drinks, juices, and any form of artificially sweetened beverages completely, as they contain more calories than one can imagine. Besides, they don’t give you a feeling of fullness. Try to stick with plain water. At most, you can have unsweetened tea or black coffee as these ensure you aren’t putting all of your calories in a drink and are better for your health. You can seek professional help to sort the task for preparing a diet plan for you. Health Total brings the best diet plan or chart for weight loss for females and anyone who wishes to lose weight. Their Indian meal plans are unique, easy to follow, and tailored to your needs making you fully prepared for your dream weight loss.

Eat in Moderation:
There is no food deprivation when it comes to weight loss. If you skip meals, your metabolic rate will get slowed and make your shedding process hard. To avoid excessive munching, break your daily diet into 5-6 small frequent meals. You can eat six times a day as long as you plan what to eat and don’t eat too many calories. Include low-calorie snacking options for healthy weight loss. Low-calorie yogurt, carrots, cucumber, radish, fresh fruits, and nuts are few snack options for the weight loss diet.

Sample Diet Plan

●Early morning: A glass of warm water with a lemon squeezed. You can add honey too.
●Morning: 1 cup Ginger Tea/Coffee/Milk
●Breakfast: Moong dal paratha with a bowl of fruits/ eggs omelet with vegetables/Idli or dosa or upma. Make sure to include a protein element in your meal.
●Lunch: dal/ sambar, cooked vegetables, chapatis, brown rice with garden salad, and curd
●Evening Snacks: Fruit or sprouts bowl/protein shake/ vegetable sandwich
●Dinner: Dal, cooked veggies, with brown rice or roti and vegetable soup
●Bedtime: A glass of milk

Have a sound sleep:
Sleep is essential for many reasons, with weight being one of them. Adequate sleep is as necessary as exercise and a healthy diet for your proper body functioning. Insufficient sleep can turn out as a significant risk factor for weight gain or obesity. Having a 7-8 hour sleep is sufficient to keep you going for the day.

Incorporate Physical Activity:
Including exercise with a healthy diet is an effective way to lose weight rather than relying solely upon calorie restriction. It increases your metabolism and helps you maintain and increase lean body mass. It can also prevent or even reverse the effects of certain diseases like blood pressure and cholesterol. Exercise also helps you with stress and anxiety by stimulating the production of endorphins to elevate your mood. Try to add any form of aerobic exercise of 20 minutes at least three times a week to notice the results.

Keep track of your progress:
Tracking your progress when losing weight has many benefits. It allows you to see what’s working & not and make changes in the weight loss program, and when you document your success, you have the motivation to keep going and get through the setbacks.

If you’re starting for the first time, it may take a little while for you to adjust to the working of the weight loss. Start by making small changes to your diet & lifestyle as outlined above. Remember, even a little progress can bring many health gains. Just keep going.

The post A Guide on Losing Weight (Weight Loss Guide for Beginners) appeared first on Health Total.


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Title: A Guide on Losing Weight (Weight Loss Guide for Beginners)
Sourced From: www.health-total.com/weight-loss-articles/a-guide-on-losing-weight-weight-loss-guide-for-beginners/
Published Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 22:30:58 +0000

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