A Comprehensive Guide For Conquering Diabetes With Healthy Diet Plans

A Comprehensive Guide For Conquering Diabetes With Healthy Diet Plans

A Comprehensive Guide For Conquering Diabetes With Healthy Diet Plans

Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. It is also known as a silent killer, as it progresses slowly, and, if it is left untreated, it can damage vital organs of your body, such as kidneys, eyes, nerves, and more. Diabetes is one of the major causes of fatalities worldwide. With more than 77 million Indian suffering from it, it is a prominent health issue that needs immediate attention and the right treatment with lifestyle and dietary modifications. Insulin resistance or no production of insulin results in a spike in blood glucose levels. Persistent high blood sugar, which leads to diabetes, can be injurious to health over time. Fortunately, by following the right diet for diabetic conditions, regular mild to moderate exercise, and lifestyle modifications, you can manage the condition and keep your blood sugar level in control. Here’s a rundown of an ideal diet plan for diabetic patients

8 Simple Yet Effective Dietary Habits to Manage Diabetes:

1. Restrict your Intake of Carbohydrates: Consumption of carbohydrates impacts your blood glucose levels greatly. If diabetic patients or people having insulin-function issues eat plenty of carbohydrates, their blood sugar level is bound to rise. By limiting your carb intake, you can regulate your diabetes effectively. If you are wondering how to reduce blood sugar levels immediately, opting for a low-carb diet is an ideal solution. It helps prevent blood sugar spikes and keep your diabetes in check. Choose to have whole grains over refined and processed ones.

2. Add More Fiber to your Diet: Having fibre abundant foods in the diet plan for diabetic patients is highly effective in controlling and reducing your blood glucose levels. Fibre slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, which in turn is beneficial in regulating blood glucose levels. Add foods abundant in soluble fibre to your diet. Here’s a fibre-rich list of foods for diabetics:

  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits: Pears, bananas, apples, avocadoes, raspberries, etc.
  • Vegetables: Beans, green peas, collard greens, kale, etc.

3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water daily is the key to maintaining optimal blood glucose levels. Adequate water intake is effective in supporting your kidneys to eliminate excess sugar through the urine. Water has no calories, so it is one of the best fluids when it comes to regulating your diabetes. Drinking ample water rehydrates your blood, reduce your blood glucose levels, and minimizes your risk of developing diabetes.

Note: Refrain from drinking sugary or sweetened beverages when trying to manage diabetes.

4. Practice Portion Control
Whether you wish to control your consumption of calories or weight, portion control is the key. It is also effective in maintaining optimal blood glucose levels. Monitoring and reducing your serving sizes in the diet plan for diabetic patients helps in preventing spikes in blood sugar. It also helps reduce the risk of the development of type 2 diabetes. Find some easy ways to regulate your portion sizes in the diet for diabetes.

  • Opt for smaller plates
  • Weigh and measure your food portions
  • Maintain a food journal
  • Chew and eat your food slowly; avoid gulping

5. Opt for Foods Having Low Glycaemic Index (GI):
Having low GI foods in the diet plan for diabetic patients can help reduce blood glucose levels. GI measures how speedily the breakdown of carbohydrates occurs and how quickly your body absorbs them. Eating low GI foods is thus anytime beneficial to people who wonder how to reduce blood sugar levels immediately. Low GI options have a ranking of 55 or below. If you are looking for low GI foods, here’s its list of foods for diabetics:

  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Lentils
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Unsweetened Greek yoghurt
  • Beans

6. Have Foods Abundant in Magnesium and Chromium:
Diabetes is believed to have a link with the deficiencies of micronutrients, such as magnesium and chromium.
Chromium plays a vital role in fat and carbohydrates metabolism. It may stimulate the functioning of insulin, thereby promoting the regulation of blood sugar. Nuts, whole grain products, meats, vegetables, and fruits contain chromium.
Intake of magnesium abundant foods aids in minimizing the risk of a spike in blood sugar. Magnesium deficiency can result in insulin resistance in diabetic individuals. So, adding foods rich in magnesium to the diet plan for diabetic patients is highly beneficial for keeping blood sugar in check. Dark chocolate, dark leafy green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, and whole grains come in the magnesium abundant list of foods for diabetics.

7. Choose to have Healthy Snacks Often Over Large Meals
Planning your snacks and meal times at small intervals throughout the day can help avoid the risk of spike and dip in the blood glucose levels. Prefer to eat small meals frequently rather than having heavy meals. This helps improve your insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose levels. Munching on healthy snacks between your meals prevents your blood glucose levels from plummeting and spiking in the entire day.

8. Include Probiotics in Diet for Diabetics:
The healthy bacteria in probiotics offers plenty of health benefits, and the regulation of blood sugar is one of them. For those suffering from fasting blood sugar, probiotic-abundant foods are an ideal solution. The intake of probiotics abundant foods helps reduce the fasting blood sugar significantly and diabetes symptoms in type 2 diabetes. Yoghurt, sauerkraut, and kefir are some probiotics-rich foods that you can include in the diet plan for diabetics.

3 Helpful Tips To Manage Diabetes While Following Diet for Diabetes:

1.Relaxation Techniques: Besides dietary modifications, manage your stress levels by practising relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and mild exercises.
2.Regular Exercise: Incorporate regular mild to moderate exercises in your routine to lower your blood glucose levels.
3.Adequate Sound Sleep: Also, make sure that you are not sleep-deprived. Poor sleeping habits can have a bad impact on your insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. So, be sure you enjoy sound, continuous sleep while you follow the right diet for diabetes.

Now that you know what dietary modification can help you regulate your blood sugar naturally and without any side effects, incorporate these diet plans for diabetic patients in your routine. If you have any concerns, consult expert nutritionists, such as certified health experts at Health Total, and learn how to reduce blood sugar levels immediately. Be quick, get in touch with us at Health Total with a few clicks online, and kick-start your diabetes management in no time with our customised diet plans for diabetes

The post A Comprehensive Guide For Conquering Diabetes With Healthy Diet Plans appeared first on Health Total.


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Title: A Comprehensive Guide For Conquering Diabetes With Healthy Diet Plans
Sourced From: www.health-total.com/diabetes-articles/a-comprehensive-guide-for-conquering-diabetes-with-healthy-diet-plans/
Published Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 07:59:17 +0000

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