Boston's Best Restaurants for Dining: Unique Dining Experiences

Boston has one of the greatest selections of dining. You can find anything you like to want. But it’s always fun to go for the iconic Bostonian meals. Most of them are seafood. But you’ll find others too.

Unique dining in Boston

Atlantic Fish Company

We had a super lavish dining experience at Atlantic Fish Company.

Atlantic Fish Company

We made some friends for life. This Lobster, Manny – named by my son, was over 70 years old.

70 years old lobster at atlantic fish company boston ma

The food was mouth watering.

food from atlantic fish company

The best New England Clam Chowder I ever had.

New England Clam Chowder lat fish company in boston ma

Fun for everyone.

mom and son eating lobster at atlantic fish company in boston

Hay Market of Boston

Haymarket of Boston is a huge, cheap market selling all sorts of food.

Cheap Cheese - Haymarket Boston

How about some fresh killed Goat for you?

Fresh Killed Goat at Haymarket Boston

And the Boston food stands were the most fun.

boston fried dough stand

Quincy Market

Quincy Market has the true New England Favorites.

Shop at Quincy Market

Union Oyster House

But Boston is also known for its historic landmarks. How about the oldest restaurant in the United States -Union Oyster House?

Union Oyster House in boston

Here’s proof

Oldest restaurant in America Union Oyster House

It all started with the Oyster bar that is still in full swing today.

Raw Bar at Union Oyster House, Boston, MA

And of course the lobsters.

Petting Lobsters - The thing to do at Union Oyster House, Boston MA

We sat in the Kennedy Booth

Kennedy Booth, Union Oyster House, Boston MA

Hipster Places

Hipster places. Since Boston is one of the biggest college towns in the US, it only goes well with really cool places to eat.

Friendly Toast, Cambridge, Mass

Love the interior design.

Family Time Eating out in Cambridge, Boston Mass

And insanely large portions.

Breakfast for Champions at Friendly Toast, Boston

This was the kid’s favorite. Hot dogs galore.

Spike's Junkyard Dogs, Boston

They even have a hall of fame. Some of these freaks ate over 14 huge hot dogs. Curious how many of them ended up in hospitals after.

Spike's Hall of Fame, Boston


Mean dog at Spike's Junkyard Dog, Boston

More Boston Food stands

Food Truck Boston

And the best food truck I have ever eaten at in my life.

Clover Food Truck, Boston

Dining in Boston – Never a Shortage of Amazingness

The post Unique Dining Experiences Boston: Best Places to Eat At appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: Unique Dining Experiences Boston: Best Places to Eat At
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2023 11:00:51 +0000

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