What to Know About Installing An Off-Grid Solar Power System

Fh22sep 620 51 037 What To Know About Installing An Off Grid Solar Power System

Meet the Expert

Fh22sep 620 51 Courtesy Eric Carter

Eric Carter is a technical sales specialist with Dragonfly Energy and Battle Born Batteries. He explores the country and camps off-grid in his Sprinter van powered by Battle Born Batteries.

What is a Solar Array Design?

  • Solar power is a straightforward process. Photons emitted by the sun are absorbed by semi­conductor materials in photovoltaic (PV) cells. This generates a flow of electrons which are converted and stored in batteries as potential energy. An inverter makes the stored power usable. Simple, right?

Off-Grid Vs. Grid-Tied Systems

  • True off-grid systems aren’t connected to the power grid, so they need a bank of batteries. RVs, campers and outbuildings are perfect candidates for an off-grid system.
  • A grid-tied system lets the energy generated from the solar array power your home. But when the sun goes down, the power grid takes over.
  • The benefit of a grid-tied system? If you generate more power than you use, the excess goes into the power grid and the utility company pays you for it.
  • The downside: If the power goes out in your neighborhood, you lose power, too. These systems automatically shut off during a power failure to protect the line workers.

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