Can fireworks harm or kill birds?

Ah, summer. The sun shines, grills sizzle, campfires pop, and everywhere you look you’ll find bursts of color — especially in the sky.

For many, summertime fireworks comprise a long-standing tradition. They’re as inseparable from the Fourth of July as a juicy burger and the good ol’ red, white, and blue.

But if you’re a birder, you might hesitate. Do fireworks kill or hurt birds? Here’s what you should know so you can keep your backyard feathered friends safe.

Do Fireworks Kill Birds?

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Birding experts Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman say they can, though it seldom happens.

“Just like many household pets, wild birds can be frightened by fireworks,” they said. “And sometimes they are, in effect, scared to death. In one case on New Year’s Eve 2010, about 5,000 red-winged blackbirds, grackles and others died when fireworks were set off next to the site where these birds were roosting overnight.

“Panicked by the noise, the birds flew up in confusion, and many crashed into buildings or wires. Such mass mortality is rare, and happens mainly where large numbers of birds are roosting or nesting close together. But any loud nighttime explosions will cause some disturbance to birds and other wildlife.”

Take Extra Precautions Around Nests

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Kevin McGowan, Ph.D., a senior course developer and instructor for The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Bird Academy, agreed fireworks can disturb birds. McGowan provided analysis for National Geographic about the 2010 incident the Kaufmans mentioned.

“In areas where there are nesting colonies of birds, there can be an effect when you have a lot of birds gathered in one spot,” McGowan says. “If they have eggs or chicks or something they might abandon if they get scared and fly off — that sort of thing.”

He also says smoke from fireworks isn’t good for birds (or people), but should be tolerable in small doses. In addition, McGowan says, don’t set off fireworks near active bald eagle nesting sites, because federal law protects those nests.

For those concerned about a potential effect on birds, McGowan recommends being aware of one’s surroundings. He notes fireworks don’t always fly straight up and straight back down. When they veer somewhere, he says, “You’ll want to be careful of where that ‘somewhere’ is.”

A Nuisance, Not a Danger

In the end, McGowan emphasizes fireworks most often serve as a nuisance to birds, not a danger.

“Unless you have a situation where there you have a bunch of sensitive birds in one place, then it seems unlikely that it’s going to be much of a disturbance,” he says.

McGowan also emphasizes that to some extent, human disruption of nature is inevitable. “As humans, we disturb the world,” he says. “That’s what we’re allowed to do … it’s part of being in the world.”

Pro tip: Always check local and state laws regarding purchasing, possessing and setting off fireworks. To minimize risks, consider attending a community display rather than setting off fireworks in your neighborhood.

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