34 Surprisingly Amazing Things Found in Homes of Previous Owners

02_Skeleton_Top-5-Spookiest-Things-Found-During-Home-Inspections_Courtesy-WIN-Home-Inspection dog corpse

Fifi’s final resting place

Jamie Green, of WIN Home Inspection, a Seattle, Washington home inspection company, was making his way on all-fours through a crawl space of a 70-year-old house. “Crawl spaces are generally pretty spooky because you never know what you’re going to find,” Green tells Reader’s Digest. Green stumbled on something strange as his hand touched down on something both bony and furry. Turns out, it was a stiff cat skeleton with fur still intact. Unfortunately, the home sellers now had an answer for what had happened to their missing feline friend who they’d believed had “run off” years earlier. If you found that disturbing, here’s some cute cat cartoons to take your mind off it.

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