12 Tips and Tricks to Prevent and Remove Rust

putting a bag of cat litter in a toolbox

Kitty Litter Pouch for Tool Protection

If you store your toolbox in a non-climate-controlled garage or shed, or in the bed of your truck, you’ll need rust protection. You could use those tiny silica packets that come with a new pair of shoes, but it could take months (or years!) to collect enough to protect your tools from excess moisture.

Instead, make a DIY rust-preventing pouch with a generous scoop of silica crystal kitty litter, a piece of breathable fabric (we cut off a piece of an old t-shirt) and a zip tie.

Toss the pouch inside your toolbox to keep your tools rust-free. You can make several pouches with one bag of kitty litter. Heck, make some extra pouches and give them to your friends for the holidays!

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