Ten Tips to Prevent Throat Infections and Boost Your Immunity

Ten Tips to Prevent Throat Infections and Boost Your Immunity

10 Tips To Prevent A Throat Infection And Boost Your Immunity

The novel coronavirus infection has wreaked havoc throughout the world in recent years. The rapidly mutating and fast-spreading virus affects the respiratory system of millions of individuals on the globe. A sore throat is one of the prominent early symptoms of the COVID-19. Besides coronavirus, other conditions, such as the common cold and flu, can make you suffer from a sore throat and affect your quality of life. With a new wave of coronavirus hitting the global every other year, it becomes crucial to boost our immunity and follow preventive measures to stay safe and beat the pandemic era. Immune factors play an active role in identifying and fighting various infections and helping you enjoy good health. Poor diet, lack of sleep, obesity, chronic stress, and underlying health conditions have a direct impact on your immune system. Dietary modifications help nourish you, treat other health conditions, promote proper weight loss to beat obesity, and boost your immunity. Following certain preventive measures reduces your chances of getting infected. So, you might be wondering which helpful tips can safeguard you from throat infection and enhance your immunity, aren’t you? Scroll down to find immune-boosting and preventive tips for throat infection.

10 Effective Tips To Prevent A Throat Infections And Improve Your Immunity:

  1. Savour Nutritious, Balanced Diet:

Having a healthy diet is the key to having a strong immune system. So, make sure that your daily diet consists of fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and whole foods. Consulting a certified dietician can help you have a diet rich in all nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, and more, that affect your immune factors positively. Also, include garlic in your cooking preparations as it fights bacteria and viruses effectively. Having a good immunity can help fight throat infection, prevent and treat a sore throat, and relieve throat tightness naturally. Thus, a regular nutritious diet can be an easy yet effective throat infection treatment at home that not just promotes healing but also improves your immunity.

  1. Avoid Excess Intake of Sugar

Another simple throat infection tip that can help relieve your symptoms of sore throat effortlessly is restricting your sugar consumption. Enjoying a lot of sweets or drinking sugary drinks can hamper your immune system cells that combat bacteria. The adverse effect of sugar lasts for a few hours after you have a sugary beverage. So, limit your intake of sugar, and avoid processed sugar. Prefer eating berries, apples, carrots, onions, citrus fruits, kale, and spinach.

  1. Sip Warm Liquids:

Drinking warm liquids can soothe your throat and relieve throat tightness resulting due to an infection. So, have warm teas, such as lemon honey tea, cinnamon tea, and ginger Tulsi tea. These herbal teas serve as an easy throat infection treatment at home.

  1. Stay Away from Stimulants:

Avoiding stimulants can help improve your immunity and protect you from a throat infection. So, refrain from having energy drinks, nicotine, and excess caffeinated sodas. Also, quit smoking as it hampers your immune system and suppresses the antibodies that you need to combat infections. It is also wise to limit or curb your intake of alcohol, as it can cause weight gain and affect your immunity. Alcohol consumption can also dehydrate your body and develop a favourable environment for harmful viruses. So, stay away from it.

  1. Drink a Lot of Water:

Drinking an adequate quantity of water daily helps in maintaining mucus in your respiratory tract thin and flushing toxins out of your body. If you develop a cold or sore throat, mucus plays an active role in defending your body against the bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections. So, an easy yet effective throat infection tip for relief is staying hydrated.

  1. Practice Good Hygiene:

Throat infections can result due to bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These harmful microbes are present everywhere in the environment, including the fluids you drink, the food you eat, and the air you breathe. Good hygiene practices help prevent you from catching an infection. So, make it a habit to wash your hands using a good soap or handwash for a minimum of 20 seconds before you eat anything. Also, after visiting the toilet, you should thoroughly wash your hands. Cover your mouth with a tissue or handkerchief while you sneeze or cough. These simple throat infection tips can keep you safe and prevent the risk of developing a sore throat.

  1. Gargle Salt Water:

Another simple throat infection treatment at home is gargling with saltwater. It helps combat the infection in your throat, increases the blood supply to the pharyngeal region, and relieves throat tightness. All you need to do is add a pinch of salt to a glass full of lukewarm water, mix it well, and gargle. Do this when you feel a little scratching in your throat to keep off the aggravation of a throat infection.

  1. Have Enough Sound Sleep:

Sleep deprivation or poor quality of sleep impacts your immune system negatively. Proteins called cytokines are released while you are asleep, and they play a vital role in fighting off infections. So, have seven to eight hours of continuous sleep at night daily to have good immunity, which can help beat throat infections, and prevent you from developing a sore throat.

  1. Regular Exercise:

Practising gentle exercises regularly helps boost your immunity. Exercises increase the flow of blood throughout your body. Blood comprises white blood cells which are a prominent part of your immunity and the first line of defence of your body. An increased flow of blood throughout your body helps combat foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, that are responsible for a sore throat. So, engage in some mild to moderate exercises, such as a brisk walk, aerobic exercises, and yoga, daily.

  1. Soak Up Some Sun:

Staying indoors in heated buildings for a prolonged period makes you breathe in the recirculated air, which is responsible for the spread of viruses. This may make you suffer from a sore throat. So, take some time to go out in the sun. Spending some time outdoors in the morning exposes you to healthy sunlight, which helps replenish your store of a crucial nutrient – Vitamin D. Soaking up fresh sunlight is one of the helpful throat infection tips that helps improve your immunity to keep off various respiratory infections.

What to Avoid to Keep Throat Infections at Bay

In addition to the above 10 helpful tips, you should refrain from certain things to prevent the risk of developing a sore throat. Here are some simple tips that help you avoid a throat infection.

  1. Stay Away from Fried, Oily Foods and Processed Foods:

The intake of processed foods and liquids and oily, fried foods can harm your throat. You may end up experiencing irritation in the throat. Also, processed and fried foods are not healthy. They may dehydrate and dry up your throat. So, avoid processed items, fried foods, and cold drinks to prevent the symptoms of a sore throat.

  1. Avoid Directed Contact with an Infected Person:

Several viral and bacterial infections are contagious. If you avoid coming in direct contact with an infected person, you can keep off the throat infection. Refrain from going out in crowded places. You may also use a handkerchief to cover your mouth.

  1. Keep Potential Allergens Away:

Exposure to allergens, such as sprays, chemicals, air fresheners, and smoke, may irritate your throat lining. This may make you vulnerable to bacterial or viral infection. So, stay away from all potential environmental allergens.

If you are looking for natural ways to prevent the risk of developing a sore throat, follow all these preventive measures and dietary tips. Seeking the assistance of certified nutritionists, such as health experts at Health Total, can help you make appropriate dietary modifications that can not only prevent or treat a throat infection but also boost your immunity. You can have a customised diet plan (Title: diet plan for weight loss) to improve your respiratory health, manage weight, and prevent falling prey to infections. So, think no further, get in touch with us online or over a call on 9650684061 and enjoy good respiratory health with our personalized throat infection treatment at home.

The post 10 Tips To Prevent A Throat Infection And Boost Your Immunity appeared first on Health Total.


By: admin
Title: 10 Tips To Prevent A Throat Infection And Boost Your Immunity
Sourced From: www.health-total.com/immunity/10-tips-to-prevent-a-throat-infection-and-boost-your-immunity/
Published Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 07:05:18 +0000

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