Keep your heart healthy with Nutrigenomics Counselling for Cardiac health

Keep your heart healthy with Nutrigenomics Counselling for Cardiac health

Stay Hale and Hearty With Nutrigenomics Counselling for Cardiac Health

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the prominent causes of concern among the masses worldwide due to the morbidity and mortality they cause. Coronary artery disease, heart failure, and cardiomyopathy are some of the most common cardiovascular ailments affecting people. Even though medical studies mention that a variety of modifiable environmental risk factors are responsible for the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases, it is equally true that most factors have a genetic foundation. You receive a continuous supply of oxygenated blood from the heart, which is a pivotal part of your cardiovascular system. So, taking care of your heart and the cardiovascular system is of utmost importance. While unhealthy dietary habits, improper sleeping timings, and various poor lifestyle practices, such as sedentary work or domestic habits for long hours, drinking alcohol and smoking lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, genetic factors also influence it significantly. So, nutrigenomics can help understand the link of the expression of your genes in response to the food you eat to minimize or prevent the risk of potential cardiovascular diseases. Health Total realises the crucial role of nutrition and diet in maintaining good cardiac health and takes initiative to provide you with the best nutrigenomics consultation to help you enjoy a healthy heart with DNA testing for a healthy heart.

What is the Significance of the Cardiac Fit Panel?

The beating, healthy heart’s importance in our well-being can never be overstated. Our cardiac fit panel analyses genes that play a pivotal role in maintaining good heart and cardiovascular health. The report of your genetic testing for cardiac health helps to understand the risk of potential cardiovascular diseases, which can then be reduced or prevented through a properly nutritious diet and exercise regimen. Our expert nutritionists formulate a personalized diet for the good health of your heart and cardiovascular system based on the report of your gene test for the heart.

In the Cardiac Support panel, our nutrigenomics experts assess your body’s ability to clear excess cholesterol, the tendency of Alzheimer’s and cardiac disorders, total lipid metabolism, inflammatory responses to stress, and the role of reactive oxygen species in vascular health.

Your gene test for the heart helps our nutrigenomics experts identify and understand potential genetic influences on the risk of the development of cardiovascular diseases. This comprehensive test analyses genes that directly or indirectly affect the health of the heart. Through proper dietary intervention and a personalized exercise regimen, the individual can be assured of a healthy heart.

How Nutrigenomics Cardiac Health Counselling is Beneficial?

Nutrigenomics helps us understand how the intake of various foods affects the expression of your genes and how your genetic composition affects your body’s response to bioactive compounds and nutrients in food and metabolism. It helps us understand how your genetic variations interact with your diet and influence CVD risks.

When it comes to maintaining good cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of or preventing potential cardiovascular diseases, diet and genetic composition play a crucial role. The expression of your genes and diet can affect your health, metabolism, weight, and vulnerability to a variety of health issues, such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and more. So, identifying the genes whose expressions your intake of food and nutrition can manage and genes that impact your health, heart, and cardiovascular system can help in formulating helpful diagnostic tools, customized diet treatment plans, modifying your dietary habits for better, and developing strategies to enable you to have a healthy heart and good cardiovascular health. And, genetic testing for cardiac health and quality nutrigenomics counselling from Health Total’s nutrigenomics experts can help you with this largely.

Your heart health and cardiovascular system suffer due to a range of factors, such as a diet high in trans fats, cholesterol, saturated fats, and salt, a lack of physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle habits, excess consumption of alcohol, the use of nicotine or smoking, and genetics. DNA testing for a healthy heart helps in identifying genes associated with your cardiovascular health risks, weight gain, and heart health and how your diet affects the expression of your genes. This can help you know how dietary modifications or following the suitable dietary tips for a healthy heart can help improve your heart health and minimize or prevent the potential CVD risks resulting due to genetic factors and diet. Our nutrigenomics counsellors for cardiac health, by considering your reports of the gene test for the heart, help you have a customized diet plan comprising heart-healthy foods that will improve your cardiac health and reduce the risk or severity of other related health conditions, such as obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, and more. This greatly helps in improving not just your health but also the quality of your life.

What Are The Best Diet And Lifestyle Measures for a Healthy Heart?

The genetic testing for cardiac health and nutrigenomics study helps our nutrigenomics experts and certified dieticians to offer you helpful tips for a healthy heart. Based on the report of your gene test for the heart or in general, you can find these tips beneficial for maintaining the good health of your heart and cardiovascular system.

  1. Opt for Healthy Fats, and Say No to Unhealthy Fats:

Foods contain healthy and unhealthy fats. Nuts, vegetables, fish, and seeds contain good or healthy fats that help minimize the risk of heart diseases, increase your good cholesterol, and reduce the levels of bad cholesterol. Also, including omega-3 fats in your diet can enable your heart muscles to beat in a steady rhythm. So, we recommend you add olive oil, fish, avocados, and nuts to your regular diet as one of the dietary tips for a healthy heart. Restrict your intake of added fats, and avoid or limit eating fried, oily foods, sauces, and spreads.

  1. Reduce Your Weight:

Obesity and overweight are major causes of deterioration of heart health. Excess belly fat is dangerous, and it correlates with high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure; both of these increase your heart health risks. Being overweight exerts excess pressure on your arterial walls and forces your heart to function harder than normal. It increases your risk of developing other ailments and conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attacks, and stroke. So, our nutrigenomics experts and dieticians suggest you lose weight with the right diet and regular exercise and enjoy good heart health.

  1. Quit Smoking and Avoid Secondhand Smoke:

Smoking is highly injurious to your health, and it’s also bad for your heart. It’s a prominent cause of coronary heart disease, which is a major cause of heart attacks. Smoking causes the accumulation of fatty substances in the arteries, which is detrimental to cardiovascular health and a chief cause of death due to smoking. Also, secondhand smoke is linked to deterioration in cardiovascular health.

  1. Avoid Sedentary Lifestyle:

Even though you may exercise regularly, long hours of sedentary time at home or office can impact your heart health adversely. Sedentary practices, such as watching television for long hours sitting in front of it or working for hours on the desktop can affect your cardiovascular health. It may increase your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and harm your health. To avoid these harmful effects, take frequent breaks and stretch your hands and legs, do some movements, and get active in your spare time. You may take a break for five minutes every hour. Doing so can help minimize the risk of cardiac disease.

  1. Refrain from Overeating and Watch Your Portion Size:

Diet largely contributes to your cardiac health. Excessive intake of food can lead to unhealthy weight gain, which is a chief risk factor responsible for hampering your heart health. Oversized portions and overeating can cause weight gain. So, our certified dieticians recommend reducing your portion size, making healthy choices, and eating in the right quantities.

  1. Cut Down Your Intake of Salt:

Excess consumption of salt can lead to high blood pressure issues which increase the risk of cardiac health issues. To follow a heart-healthy diet, we recommend you reduce your intake of salt. Avoid eating ready-to-eat foods as they are high in sodium.

  1. Stay Physically Active:

Being active and regular exercise or engaging in physical activity helps you have a healthy heart. So, our health experts suggest you engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes daily for 5 days a week. You may go for a brisk walk, do jogging, practice yoga, perform workouts at the gymnasium, or play your choice of sport.

  1. Don’t Eat Junk Food:

Avoiding the intake of junk food can safeguard your heart from potential damage that it may suffer from the consumption of these unhealthy foods. So, our experienced dieticians recommend you to avoid junk food, such as chips, as they are high in preservatives, salts, and trans fats. Instead, we suggest you eat fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, nuts, and other wholesome foods.

  1. Have Adequate Sound Sleep:

Sleep deprivation can affect your heart health. So, having adequate continuous sleep for seven to eight hours at night daily is essential to maintain good cardiac and overall health. Skipped sleep for work, watching movies, or having late-night parties are bound to hamper your physical and psychological health in a long run. So, one of our tips for a healthy heart is to sleep on time and get up on time daily and enjoy sound, refreshing sleep.

So, if you are keen on developing and maintaining good cardiac health naturally, resort to nutrigenomics gene tests for heart and individualized diet plans. Our pool of talented health experts offers you quality nutrigenomics counselling for improving your cardiac health with the appropriate diet and lifestyle habits. Based on your genetic testing for cardiac health report, we formulate personalized diet plans for you that help you reduce your weight, nourish you, improve your heart health, and boost your immunity. Our health plans also help avoid the potential risks of cardiovascular disease conditions and pave you way for a healthy and happy life. So, waste no time, reach out to us at Health Total, have your DNA testing for a healthy heart done, and receive a customised diet plan and tips for a healthy heart to enjoy good health.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips on improving cardiac health with nutrigenomics gene testing for cardiac health and diet or any health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

The post Stay Hale and Hearty With Nutrigenomics Counselling for Cardiac Health appeared first on Health Total.


By: techy admin
Title: Stay Hale and Hearty With Nutrigenomics Counselling for Cardiac Health
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Published Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:54:42 +0000

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