How to organize cleaning supplies

Cleaning supplies in pantry

Store Cleaning Supplies in a Single Spot

No matter what cleaning task is at hand, storing all of your cleaning gear in one location makes it easier to start. Ideally, store your cleaning supplies on the main floor. Look for space in a utility closet or kitchen and/or bathroom cupboards. Your main floor laundry room is another terrific option.

If the main floor isn’t possible, the basement is the next-best choice. Look for a spot with room for shelves, hooks and some floor space. If you can carve out a spot near a sink, it will be easier to fill and dump buckets of water and wash your gear when you finish cleaning.

If you live in a temperate climate, consider in a cabinet in your garage to keep supplies protected from dirt, insects and mice.

Whatever location you choose, be sure to keep everything out of the reach of children and pets.

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